कुल पेज दृश्य


20 फ़रवरी 2015

Lower Palm Oil Shipments Reported During First Half of February M-o-M

As per IBIS data (complied by Agriwatch), Indian buyers imported 3.102 lakh tons of crude palm oil (down 38 percent m-o-m basis) and 0.689 lakh tons of RBD palmolein (up 25 percent m-o-m basis) from majorly Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand during 02– 15 February 2015. SEA revealed that India imports CPO 2.07 (1.57) lakh tons and 1.70 (5.80) lakh tons of RBD palmolein during Nov. 14-Jan. 15. Values in bracket depicts last year same period import figures.

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