कुल पेज दृश्य


20 फ़रवरी 2015

Global Coffee Production Forecast Stands High In 2015/16- Volcafe

 As per  Volcafe recent forecast (19th Feb 2015), global coffee production may reach at the level of 152.8 million 60kg bags in 2015/16 higher from 142.2 million bags in 2014/15. Coffee production forecast for Brazil is kept up at 49.5 million bags for 2015/16 against 47 of prior season followed by Arabica coffee production at 33 million bags and Robusta coffee production at 16.5 for 2015/16. On the other hand, Brazil's output may touch the level of 47.28 in 2015/16 slightly higher from 46.78 million bags in previous year with Arabica's production at 35.05 million bags and Robusta's production 15.2 million bags according to Terra Forte.

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