कुल पेज दृश्य


25 फ़रवरी 2015

Ind-Ra Revises Cotton Outlook For MY 2015-16

India Rating and Research (Ind-Ra) has downwardly revised the cotton outlook for MY 2015-16. According to Ind-Ra domestic prices in 2015-16 would remain under pressure following the fall in domestic yarn production, unlikely recovery in cotton export and falling of domestic prices below the minimum support prices (MSP). Ind-Ra added that revised cotton reserve policy of China will increase the cotton sales from the country stocks and hence import in China will fall to half in 2015-16.  
Cotton price (benchmark Shankar-6) will trade between Rs 40-45 per kg and lint will be in the range of Rs 85-100 per kg in the next season. Also, the stock to use ratio would be 12 percent in MY 2015-16 compared to 12.2 percent in the 2014-15. (agriwatch)

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