कुल पेज दृश्य


13 फ़रवरी 2015

Cotton Export Import Scenario-USDA

As per the latest estimates of USDA, cotton export the global front would stand around 7.455 million tonnes this season slightly higher of 7.401 million tonnnes what was estimated previous month. Although cotton exports estimates are a little higher this month, the same is still lower the actual export of cotton in previous season which was around 8.868 million tonnes. The cause of the upward changes in the monthly estimates is higher export expected from USA.

According to USDA, cotton import on the global front would stand around 7.446 million tonnes this season slightly higher of 7.401 million tonnnes what was estimated previous month. Although cotton exports estimates are a little higher this month; the same is still lower the actual export of cotton in previous season which was around 8.836 million tonnes. The expectation of higher import of cotton from china has lifted the projections this month.

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