कुल पेज दृश्य

10 जुलाई 2015

Brazil Completes Coffee Harvesting About 52%-Safras

Farmers have completed around 21.9%of  coffee harvesting in the region of  cooperative Cooxupe as of July 3,2015 which is below than 42.5% of last year record during the same period of time. In 2013, it was harvested around 31.5% during the corresponding period of time. As whole harvesting of Brazil have been completed around 52% of the estimated 50.4 million bags crop as on 7th July 2015 which less than 55% of previous year harvesting pace as southeast coffee belt of Brazil has been wet in early July 2015. On the other hand, total sales is recorded at 27% of harvested crop of this season.

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